Hi everybody,
I would like to display all items from a sharepoint data inside a datagrid component. It works well.
But I want to edit the 'test' component inside the datagrid.
In this example, the first column comes from the sharepoint data source. when I want to write something in the second column, it doesn’t work. It's impossible to write something. It bugs...
I use this code (logic inside the datagrid component) and the Redraw On is on 'any change'
// Create a function async function updateDataGrid(){ // Get all items from the data-source using its id (replace 'yourDataSourceId' with your actual data source id) var items = await tf.getDataSource('xxxxxxxxxxxx'); // Apply a filter based on data in the form (adjust the filter condition as needed) var filteredItems = items.filter(i => i?.competence === 'Bâtiment'); // Use a "Map" to rename the columns from the data source to match the names of field names used in the data-grid var gridItems = filteredItems.map(i => { return { requisitionNumber: i?.id, items: i?.type_intervention, preuvePhoto: i?.photo, echeance : i?.echeance, batiment : i?.batiment, etage : i?.etage, emplacement : i?.emplacement, tache : i?.tache, urgence : i?.urgence, test : '' }; }); // Set the value of the data-grid component programmatically instance.root.getComponent('i_batiment').setValue(gridItems); } // Invoke the function updateDataGrid();
Thanks in advance !
It would be great to have permissions based on usernames from selected from a User Component that a user inputs. Right now permissions is pre-determined to whoever has been set by the form builder as per below.
Using a text field component to display a custom text value based on item selected from a dropdown. The value flashes after being selected. See video below
Hi there,
I am facing an issue where i want to update the outstanding quantities dynamically by using two methods, I am not sure on how to go about it, any suggestions would be helpful.
I have a form where a user has to select the purchase number from the list (data from sheet1) where the user can see:
- RequestNo, (like orderID)
- PO number (list where he can select the po number),
- Received date (automatically input when logged in),
- Items (from sheet1)
- Ordered quantity (from sheet1),
- Received quantity (manually type),
- Outstanding quantity (dynamically change)
So, when the form is submitted it will save in sheet2 like this (shown in image):
I want to achieve the result like above in excel sheet which is like that whenever there's new order to be added from form submission it should dynamically look in sheet2 if there's any existing entry of that same po number then it should calculate the outstanding quantities dynamically (previous outstanding quantity - current received quantity).
For now I am at that stage where i can display the latest outstanding quantities from sheet2 but i am facing an issue if the entry doesn't exist then it is showing on the form and excel like:
(Which is displaying wrong as it should calculate outstanding quantity normally with the subtraction of ordered qty - received qty.)
And, if i use calculate value under data tab in outstanding qty as:
value = row.orderedQty - row.receivedQty
then it will display correctly on form for first entry as:
But, let's say i received the same items of same po number after two weeks, then on form its displaying as:
As you can see that, the fourth row should display: 1, instead of displaying: 3
How can i achieve the result of first table so that whenever there's no entry it should look in excel sheet2 then automatically subtract normally for the first entry from form submission but if a user receives the delivery for the second time of the same po number then it should look in sheet2 and display the latest previous outstanding qty in sheet2 on the form and accordingly calculate the value of it when items were received for the second time.
How do i make the label of a table display on form. Like a Survey does
Hi guys,
When I go to View Submissions, I only want to see certain columns. I've filtered out what I don't need in Choose Columns, however, when I exit this and then go back in, the default of all columns is showing again.
I've checked in Builder that Table View is turned off for certain components. Is this a bug? Or am I not doing something right?
I have created three forms which are linked to one another, in which first form takes the input of supplier name and based on selected supplier, the user can select the items sold by that particular supplier For eg, Dell (supplier) sells Mouse, keyboard, Monitor, Laptop (Items sold by dell supplier which will be shown in items list) and when the user submits it'll add entry to excel as:
OrderID | Supplier | Items ordered | Quantity
01 | Dell | ["Mouse","Keyboard","Monitor","Laptop"] | [2,3,1,5]
Now in second form there is orderID drop down list and when the user selects the ID - 1, he can input the purchase order number, which will shown in same excel sheet and adds the purchase number as:
OrderID | Supplier | Items ordered | Quantity | Purchase Number
01 | Dell | ["Mouse","Keyboard","Monitor","Laptop"] | [2,3,1,5] | PN-0001
My query is that====>Now, In my last form i want to show these items in separate rows for eg, the user ordered 2-mouse, 3-keyboard, 1-monitor, 5-laptop SO, i want to display these as:
OrderID | Supplier | Items ordered | Quantity | Purchase Number
01 | Dell | "Mouse" | 2 | PN-0001
01 | Dell | "Keyboard" | 3 | PN-0001
01 | Dell | "Monitor" | 1 | PN-0001
01 | Dell | "Laptop" | 5 | PN-0001
Because, based on the above table in excel in third form i have third input field where i have to write the received quantity like how much quantity of items the user received and corresponding to the items it should display the input field.
how can i hide the component in pdf if the value/input is empty
When using a Number element, I can't seem to type any number after entering a '0'. If I type 1 or any other number, it seems to work fine.
A valuable feature would be the option to manually type the barcode, as it can sometimes be challenging to scan accurately.
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to build a quality control form. So far so good with the form but I can't figure out how to add scoring to my form.
The build looks like this :
Each value is unique and I'd like to say :
if value options1 == Yes 1 point
Ifnot == 0 point
I tried to follow the following help https://help.teamforms.app/en/articles/9127420-calculating-a-score-based-on-users-response
But I don't understand under which tab I should put the formula and what to do in the API tab ?
So far my code looks like this :
value = (data.changersacpoubellesfixesmobiles === 'oui' ? 1 : 0 ) + (data.ramasserdechetsvoiescirculation === 'oui' ? 1 : 0 )
and I have the following errors :
Property 'ramasserdechetsvoiescirculation' does not exist on type 'Data'
This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types 'Record<"changersacpoubellesfixesmobiles" | "ramasserdechetsvoiescirculation" | "controlerEtNettoyerLesTachesDeLiquide" | "nettoyerLesTracesDhuileAuSol" | "nettoyerLesPlaquesDeSignalisation" | "nettoyerLesVoiesDeCirculationEtLesPlacesDeParking" | "nettoyerLesCirculationsPietonnesEnDallesEntreePersonnelEtVisiteurs" | ...' and 'string' have no overlap.(2367)
Thanks in advance !
Is it possible to show the form Submission number in a Power BI report. Neither the Forms nor Submissions tables have it as an option.
How can I display the name of the location chosen in the Address component? Only the address is displayed.
In this example : I would like to display "Cimetières d'Ixelles" + address
Thank you in advance.
When we submit multi photo uploads within a data grid it doesn't seem to create a new page per photo, it just cuts them off. can this be fixed?
Our SharePoint data source list uses people picker columns. When trying to access the data in those fields it just returns the "LookupId" of those fields instead of the name.
Is there a way to access other information than just the LookupId saved in those fields?
I'm trying to hide the Border around the input on the PDF. Is there a way to achieve this with Custom CSS?
When submitting, most people see this big green circle and close the window.
But underneath that, the submission is still uploading for three or four more seconds.
Even if the submission doesn't complete properly, the workflow starts and messes everything up.
Until the submission is completely finished uploading, make sure the submission animation doesn't mislead people.
Could someone give me the path on how to make a simple protocol query form by querying a table in Excel? The table would only have Protocol and Response. Enter the protocol and I will show the corresponding response.
It would be useful to be able to define default settings for certain components within our own tenant.
Currently I need to manually adjust certain types of components every time they are added to a form. For example, every time I add a File Component to a form, I perform the following tasks:
uncheck "Show Image Editor"
input details to "File Pattern"
input details to "File Maximum Size"
check "Required"
It would be convenient to be able to adjust the default settings once, and have those default settings applied to each new instance of the component.
When using the Email option while building a new form I want to use the /Title in the Subject line of the email, but when the email arrives the /Title field includes the Submission number for that for as part of the Title.
How do I just get the Title, no submission number?
Hi There !
Is it possible to custom the submission Number ?
Here my need :
I would like to customize the submission number with elements that make it easier to find a form in SharePoint.
For example, in the form, I generate a reference; can I use it as the submission number?
I know that we have the ability to capture GPS in the longitude and latitude format BUT I need to transform this to a regular street address. Any plans for this? Or low code options?