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Laura Charman
Laura Charman
Offline, last seen 14 hours ago
Joined January 30, 2025

I want to title the sections within the document. I was doing so by creating a text field, putting 'xx' in the Label field, the title I wanted in the Placeholder field, and then clicking 'Hide Label' and 'Disabled'. It works great within the forms app. However, when you transfer it to PDF, it comes up as a blank field. I tried multiple different combinations using the Label and Placeholder fields, and the selections at the bottom such as 'Hide Label', and no matter what I do the best I can get for a section title once I transfer it to PDF, is the title I want with an empty field box below it. Is there any way around this?

I want to create cascading drop down menus, but it is for an Employment Agreement, so there will be more information in some fields than just a few words. I would like it to work so that when you select the Job Title, the next field will give you the option of selecting that title's job description, and the following field will provide the key responsibilities of the role. I watched the YouTube tutorial and have it working correctly as far as options, but because the fields are long and narrow, the information under Job Description and Key Responsibilities is being cut off and is not readable in full.

Is there a way to change the size of the SharePoint Data fields, OR a way to make specific text populate into a Text Area when an option is selected in a SharePoint Data field above it? As opposed to three SharePoint Data fields in a row, could I do a SharePoint Data field for the Job Title, that makes the Job Description and Key Responsibilities populate in a Text Area below it?

Thank you!

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