Hi everybody,
I would like to display all items from a sharepoint data inside a datagrid component. It works well.
But I want to edit the 'test' component inside the datagrid.
In this example, the first column comes from the sharepoint data source. when I want to write something in the second column, it doesn’t work. It's impossible to write something. It bugs...
I use this code (logic inside the datagrid component) and the Redraw On is on 'any change'
// Create a function async function updateDataGrid(){ // Get all items from the data-source using its id (replace 'yourDataSourceId' with your actual data source id) var items = await tf.getDataSource('xxxxxxxxxxxx'); // Apply a filter based on data in the form (adjust the filter condition as needed) var filteredItems = items.filter(i => i?.competence === 'Bâtiment'); // Use a "Map" to rename the columns from the data source to match the names of field names used in the data-grid var gridItems = filteredItems.map(i => { return { requisitionNumber: i?.id, items: i?.type_intervention, preuvePhoto: i?.photo, echeance : i?.echeance, batiment : i?.batiment, etage : i?.etage, emplacement : i?.emplacement, tache : i?.tache, urgence : i?.urgence, test : '' }; }); // Set the value of the data-grid component programmatically instance.root.getComponent('i_batiment').setValue(gridItems); } // Invoke the function updateDataGrid();
Thanks in advance !
How can I display the name of the location chosen in the Address component? Only the address is displayed.
In this example : I would like to display "Cimetières d'Ixelles" + address
Thank you in advance.
Hi everybody,
It would be nice to use a data table component with options like filterable, sortable, submit selected rows, actions buttons,...
And it would be nice to be able to connect it with a datasource.
An example:
Is it possible ?
Thank you.
Hi everybody,
I would like to limit the address component to 2 or 3 cities in Belgium.
Is it possible?
Thank you in advance.