Hello everybody,
I'm trying to build a quality control form. So far so good with the form but I can't figure out how to add scoring to my form.
The build looks like this :
Each value is unique and I'd like to say :
if value options1 == Yes 1 point
Ifnot == 0 point
I tried to follow the following help https://help.teamforms.app/en/articles/9127420-calculating-a-score-based-on-users-response
But I don't understand under which tab I should put the formula and what to do in the API tab ?
So far my code looks like this :
value = (data.changersacpoubellesfixesmobiles === 'oui' ? 1 : 0 ) + (data.ramasserdechetsvoiescirculation === 'oui' ? 1 : 0 )
and I have the following errors :
Property 'ramasserdechetsvoiescirculation' does not exist on type 'Data'
This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types 'Record<"changersacpoubellesfixesmobiles" | "ramasserdechetsvoiescirculation" | "controlerEtNettoyerLesTachesDeLiquide" | "nettoyerLesTracesDhuileAuSol" | "nettoyerLesPlaquesDeSignalisation" | "nettoyerLesVoiesDeCirculationEtLesPlacesDeParking" | "nettoyerLesCirculationsPietonnesEnDallesEntreePersonnelEtVisiteurs" | ...' and 'string' have no overlap.(2367)
Thanks in advance !