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Updated 3 months ago

Add option to manually type the number in the barcode scanner component

At a glance

The community member suggests that a valuable feature would be the option to manually type the barcode, as it can sometimes be challenging to scan accurately. In the comments, another community member asks for clarification on the specific issues with scanning barcodes, such as whether the user is still seeing a green box around the barcode momentarily. The community member suggests that a potential solution could be allowing form builders to configure a confidence level in the barcode reading, which may fix the underlying issue of having difficulty reading barcodes. The community member also notes that typically the barcode reading is used to look up information against a database, and asks whether the user is currently doing this with the onChange property or some kind of calculated value. The community member also points out that if the barcode component allowed manual input, it could be difficult to identify when the user has finished typing the full barcode to trigger the onChange event.

A valuable feature would be the option to manually type the barcode, as it can sometimes be challenging to scan accurately.

1 comment

Hi Jose,

To help us better understand the problem and also the best solution would you mind clarifying the following:

  • When you have difficulty scanning the barcode are you still seeing a green box around the barcode momentarily? Currently the barcode scanner works by ensuring the same barcode value is detected multiple times in a row (this is quite conservative). One potential solution could be allowing form builders to configure a confidence level in the barcode reading, this may fix the underlying issue of having difficulty reading barcodes.

  • Typically, the barcode reading is used to lookup information against a database. Are you currently doing this with the onChange property or some kind of calculated value? if the barcode component allowed manual input, it could be difficult to identify when the user has finished typing the full barcode to trigger the onChange event (or you would have lots of onchage events)