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Updated 5 months ago

Dynamically size User Component Search List

At a glance

The community member is experiencing an issue where only the first 10 search results are displayed in the User Component, which can be confusing for users searching for common names. They would like the ability to dynamically set the number of results displayed, such as 100. This suggestion may also be applicable to other SharePoint List components.

In the comments, another community member notes that this issue does not apply to the SharePoint data component, as it automatically displays the first 100 search results and dynamically loads more as the user scrolls. Additionally, another community member states that this issue has been resolved, and the Team Forms now dynamically load more results as the user scrolls, aligning with the behavior of the SharePoint data component.

When we currently search for users in the User Component but only the first 10 values found in the list are displayed. For common names this creates some confusion to teh end user when the search doesn't return a particular persons name. We would like the ability to dynamically size how many items are displayed in the list by having a parameter on the User Component that we can set (i.e. like 100) that can be returned when a user search is performed. This functionality may also be worthwhile on other Sharepoint List components. Thanks.

1 comment·1 reply

Just as a note on the SharePoint List component. This suggestion would not really apply as the SharePoint data component will show the first 100 search results and as you scroll it dynamically loads more results, so you never end up in the situation you are describing.

Hi @Shane Bunter

This issue has now been resolved (in a different way). Instead requiring the form builder to specify the number of results to return in a search Team Forms will instead dynamically load more results as you scroll down. This better aligns with how the SharePoint data component search results also work.