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Updated 6 months ago

False Duplicate in SharePoint Data Source

At a glance
The community member Damon is experiencing an issue with duplicate values in a SharePoint data source, even though the "Remove Duplicates" option is turned on. The community members provide several suggestions to resolve the issue, including:

- Selecting only the columns you want to use in the "Advanced" settings of the SharePoint data component, as it compares all columns when detecting duplicates.

- Manually refreshing the data source to see if that resolves the issue.

The answer provided is that the issue was caused by a trailing space in one of the "Company Name" values, which was detected as a duplicate. The community members were able to resolve the issue by examining the JSON data preview.


So, we have already double tripple checked the particular column in our SharePoint Data Source and there is no typo or anything. We even removed it, repasted it, completely certain. And Remove Duplicates is turned on, but in the drop down there is still one duplicate.

How to fix this problem?

Best, Damon

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Hi Damon,

The SharePoint data component will compare all columns when detecting duplicates. This means that even columns that are not used in the label property has an effect on a records uniqueness. To resolve you issue you can do the following:

  1. Open the setting to your SharePoint data component and navigate to the data tab.

  2. Expand the "Advanced" section and go to the Fields setting

  3. Select only the columns you want to use. This controls what columns are stored in a response as well as what columns/fields are used when comparing duplicates.

PS: If you want to see a step-by-step guide on this, it is covered in our cascading drop downs video tutorial πŸ™‚

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Hi Damon,

The SharePoint data component will compare all columns when detecting duplicates. This means that even columns that are not used in the label property has an effect on a records uniqueness. To resolve you issue you can do the following:

  1. Open the setting to your SharePoint data component and navigate to the data tab.

  2. Expand the "Advanced" section and go to the Fields setting

  3. Select only the columns you want to use. This controls what columns are stored in a response as well as what columns/fields are used when comparing duplicates.

PS: If you want to see a step-by-step guide on this, it is covered in our cascading drop downs video tutorial πŸ™‚

Hi Erin,

thank you for your quick response. I should have mentioned that we are only querying one field only.
That's why we are so sure that there shouldn't be any duplicates when Remove Duplicates is checked.

to clarify even further, maybe this helps:

  1. The list has 21 columns, the column field assigned is Company Name.

  2. In SharePoint the column filter only shows 8 unique values. Which should mean that there aren't any typos or the like, right?

  3. the SharePoint data component shows 9, one being a duplicate.

  4. I just duplicated the list with only two columns, Company Name + Job Titles, I set up the SharePoint data component exactly the same way, with only the Company Name filed selected (in Fields under Advanced) and it works, 8 unique values.

any updates on this? It makes it impossible to release our form

Hi Damon,

Unfortunately, it's very hard for us to determine the exact issue without access to your environment. One thing you might be able provide to help us diagnose the issue is the following:

  1. Create a SharePoint drop-down menu (or configure the existing one) to allow multiple. This is available under the data tab

  2. Open the preview tab on the builder screen and select the duplicate options, this means you will see to items selected.

  3. click the "{}" button on the left of the preview tab to get a code preview of the response.

  4. Share the JSON data here in this thread using a code block

Seeing this information may help us diagnose the issue.

Another thing to check would be manually refreshing the data-source to see if that resolves the issue?

Hi Erin,

We had tried the manual data-source refresh before we contacted you here, so that didn't resolve it.

But looking at the JSON as you said showed us the problem. One of the Company Names has a traling space.

Problem solved, thank you!

Great! good to hear you were able to get to the bottom of the issue.