I want to set a deadline for my Team Forms, similar to the feature in Microsoft Forms, where users are unable to respond to the form after the specified deadline.
Hi Yoradel,
Team Forms does not currently have a feature to set submission deadlines. That said, I’d be very interested to hear more about the use case or scenario you have in mind for this feature—if you’d care to share.
Typically, submission deadlines are more suited for smaller quizzes or feedback forms. In contrast, Team Forms is designed for business-critical scenarios where deadlines are generally less relevant. This makes it challenging to envision a scenario where a strict deadline would be essential.
With that said here are a few methods you could use to achieve this functionality:
Manually unpublished the form - On the submission deadline you as the author of the form could go into the form builder screen and click un-publish. This will make the form disappear for all responders.
User Conditional Logic - Using the conditional hide/show feature you could make all the questions within your form inaccessible after a certain date. As an example:
Drag all your form questions into a layout component like a Panel or Fieldset
Open the component setting for the panel and navigate to the conditional tab
Under advance conditional add some Javascript to only show the component when the date is before your due date. Note, your will need to adapt the example code below for your specific scenario
const dueDate = moment('2024-10-24', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); //Note this is UTC const currentDate = moment(); show = currentDate.isBefore(dueDate)
I would also recommend placing a content component to display a message after the due date to inform the user that the form is no longer available. In that case you would use the the same method as above but your javascript would instead check the currentDate.isAfter(dueDate)