We have an issue with the way that Team Forms handles draft form submissions. Users are opening forms and not updating, or doing minimal updates in the forms. They then leave the update of the form for a period (sometimes days) and it captures the original data (including the date) on the form. Can there be an option on a form, that can be turned on or off at teh form level, to warn users that they are opening a previously "draft" form? I have spoken to a few of our users and they are getting frustrated with this.
One other thought that we had on this, is that when the user exits the "draft" form, they are asked whether they want to save or delete the draft. This is similiar to what other applications do.
Hi Shane,
I have escalated this issue internally and we are thinking of implementing the following logic. I'd be keen to get your feedback to see if this you think the following will resolve some of the UX issues your users are experiencing:
From what we can tell there are two different issues:
Drafts get created when users don't really intend them to be.
If there is NO data when they click back, automatically delete the draft
If there IS data when they click back, prompt the user if they wish to save the draft or discard
2. When a user clicks a form, there are scenario's where it makes sense to re-open draft vs create new draft and visa-versa
If there is NO existing draft, create draft as normal
If there IS an existing draft, prompt the user for 'Open Draft' vs 'New Response'
Hi Anthony, what is the likely timeframe to incoorporate this change into Team Forms? Thanks
Hi Shane, this one was raised as a high priority issue on our side so I would expect this to be released this week.