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Updated 7 months ago

Converting Unix Time to Moment JS for Date Field Fails

At a glance
The post discusses an issue with a date field in an Excel file from Dataverse, where the date is stored in a specific format. The community member provides some code to convert the date format. The comments indicate that this is not the actual issue, and that the issue is related to "Custom Value no longer works on Date Fields" on the website. The community members have marked this as solved based on the information from the website.

Excel file with Date Field from Dataverse this is stored as for Example as

19/01/2024 17:00:00
Unclear if relevant but Custom column Type formatting as


This is then converted in the form as example:

In real form this is part of a datagrid

var excelTime = instance.root.getComponent("milestones").selectOptions[0].value["Finish"];

var intermediateTime = excelTime - 25569;

var finalTime = intermediateTime * 86400;

var output = moment.unix(finalTime);

value = output;

Source Code below

{ "title": "Date Fail", "icon": "<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" color=\"#9065b0\" stroke=\"#9065b0\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" fill=\"transparent\">\n <path stroke=\"none\" d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"></path><path d=\"M9 5h-2a2 2 0 0 0 -2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h10a2 2 0 0 0 2 -2v-12a2 2 0 0 0 -2 -2h-2\"></path><path d=\"M9 3m0 2a2 2 0 0 1 2 -2h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v0a2 2 0 0 1 -2 2h-2a2 2 0 0 1 -2 -2z\"></path><path d=\"M9 14h.01\"></path><path d=\"M9 17h.01\"></path><path d=\"M12 16l1 1l3 -3\"></path>\n</svg>", "schema": { "display": "form", "components": [ { "label": "Date / Time", "labelPosition": "top", "displayInTimezone": "viewer", "useLocaleSettings": false, "allowInput": true, "format": "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a", "placeholder": "", "description": "", "tooltip": "", "customClass": "", "customClassAdvanced": "", "tabindex": "", "hidden": false, "hiddenInPdf": false, "hideLabel": false, "autofocus": false, "disabled": false, "tableView": false, "modalEdit": false, "shortcutButtons": [], "enableDate": true, "datePicker": { "disable": "", "disableFunction": "", "disableWeekends": false, "disableWeekdays": false, "minDate": null, "maxDate": null, "showWeeks": true, "startingDay": 0, "initDate": "", "minMode": "day", "maxMode": "year", "yearRows": 4, "yearColumns": 5 }, "enableTime": true, "timePicker": { "showMeridian": true, "hourStep": 1, "minuteStep": 1, "readonlyInput": false, "mousewheel": true, "arrowkeys": true }, "multiple": false, "defaultValue": "", "defaultDate": "", "customOptions": {}, "redrawOn": "", "clearOnHide": false, "customDefaultValue": "", "calculateValue": "var excelTime = instance.root.getComponent(\"milestones\").selectOptions[0].value[\"Finish\"];\r\nvar intermediateTime = excelTime - 25569;\r\nvar finalTime = intermediateTime * 86400;\r\nvar output = moment.unix(finalTime);\r\nvalue = output;", "allowCalculateOverride": false, "validateOn": "change", "validate": { "required": false, "customMessage": "", "custom": "", "customPrivate": false, "strictDateValidation": false, "multiple": false, "unique": false }, "enableMinDateInput": false, "enableMaxDateInput": false, "errorLabel": "", "errors": "", "key": "dateTime", "tags": [], "properties": {}, "conditional": { "show": null, "when": null, "eq": "" }, "customConditional": "", "logic": [], "onChange": "", "attributes": {}, "creatorPermissions": "", "permissions": [ { "user": {}, "permissionLevel": "" } ], "type": "datetime", "timezone": "", "input": true, "widget": { "type": "calendar", "displayInTimezone": "viewer", "locale": "en", "useLocaleSettings": false, "allowInput": true, "mode": "single", "enableTime": true, "noCalendar": false, "format": "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a", "hourIncrement": 1, "minuteIncrement": 1, "time_24hr": false, "minDate": null, "disabledDates": "", "disableWeekends": false, "disableWeekdays": false, "disableFunction": "", "maxDate": null }, "skipRemoveConfirm": true, "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "protected": false, "unique": false, "persistent": true, "refreshOn": "", "dataGridLabel": false, "dbIndex": false, "calculateServer": false, "overlay": { "style": "", "left": "", "top": "", "width": "", "height": "" }, "encrypted": false, "showCharCount": false, "showWordCount": false, "allowMultipleMasks": false, "addons": [], "datepickerMode": "day" }, { "label": "Milestones", "labelPosition": "top", "widget": "html5", "placeholder": "", "description": "", "tooltip": "", "customClass": "", "customClassAdvanced": "", "tabindex": "", "hidden": false, "hiddenInPdf": false, "hideLabel": false, "autofocus": false, "disabled": false, "tableView": true, "modalEdit": false, "multiple": false, "dataSourceId": "j6t9tjq62emy", "labelProperty": { "label": "Project Task Name", "value": "Project Task Name" }, "template": "<span>{{ item['Project Task Name'] }}</span>", "filterQuery": "", "refreshOn": "", "clearOnRefresh": false, "clearOnHide": true, "customOptions": {}, "calculateValue": "", "sortBy": "", "sortDirection": "", "removeDuplicates": true, "selectFields": "", "sampleItem": { "Project Task Name": "Enter Project Name Here", "Owner (Lookup)": "Daniel Kendall", "Project (Lookup)": "Project Template Light Example", "Project Bucket (Lookup)": "Not Started", "Project Task Status": "Active", "% Complete": 0.06, "Critical": true, "Display Sequence": 2, "Due Date": 45310.7083333333, "Duration": 35, "Effort": 70, "Effort Completed (Hours)": 8, "Effort Remaining (Hours)": 62, "Finish": 45310.7083333333, "Is Milestone": false, "Manually Scheduled": false, "Notes": "", "Notes - 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1 commentยท1 reply

Since this one is solved by Custom Value no longer works on Date Fields (

I'll go ahead and mark this as solved :)