Form only with date field and default moment()
Populates successfully, but gives the error that it is invalid.{ "title": "Blank", "icon": "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" color=\"#9f6b53\" stroke=\"#9f6b53\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" fill=\"transparent\">\n <path stroke=\"none\" d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"></path><path d=\"M9 5h-2a2 2 0 0 0 -2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h10a2 2 0 0 0 2 -2v-12a2 2 0 0 0 -2 -2h-2\"></path><path d=\"M9 3m0 2a2 2 0 0 1 2 -2h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v0a2 2 0 0 1 -2 2h-2a2 2 0 0 1 -2 -2z\"></path><path d=\"M9 14h.01\"></path><path d=\"M9 17h.01\"></path><path d=\"M12 16l1 1l3 -3\"></path>\n</svg>", "schema": { "display": "form", "components": [ { "label": "Date / Time", "labelPosition": "top", "displayInTimezone": "viewer", "useLocaleSettings": false, "allowInput": true, "format": "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a", "placeholder": "", "description": "", "tooltip": "", "customClass": "", "customClassAdvanced": "", "tabindex": "", "hidden": false, "hiddenInPdf": false, "hideLabel": false, "autofocus": false, "disabled": false, "tableView": false, "modalEdit": false, "shortcutButtons": [], "enableDate": true, "datePicker": { "disable": "", "disableFunction": "", "disableWeekends": false, "disableWeekdays": false, "minDate": null, "maxDate": null, "showWeeks": true, "startingDay": 0, "initDate": "", "minMode": "day", "maxMode": "year", "yearRows": 4, "yearColumns": 5 }, "enableTime": true, "timePicker": { "showMeridian": true, "hourStep": 1, "minuteStep": 1, "readonlyInput": false, "mousewheel": true, "arrowkeys": true }, "multiple": false, "defaultValue": "", "defaultDate": "", "customOptions": {}, "redrawOn": "", "clearOnHide": true, "customDefaultValue": "", "calculateValue": "value = moment()", "allowCalculateOverride": false, "validateOn": "change", "validate": { "required": false, "customMessage": "", "custom": "", "customPrivate": false, "strictDateValidation": false, "multiple": false, "unique": false }, "enableMinDateInput": false, "enableMaxDateInput": false, "errorLabel": "", "errors": "", "key": "dateTime", "tags": [], "properties": {}, "conditional": { "show": null, "when": null, "eq": "" }, "customConditional": "", "logic": [], "onChange": "", "attributes": {}, "creatorPermissions": "", "permissions": [ { "user": {}, "permissionLevel": "" } ], "type": "datetime", "timezone": "", "input": true, "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "protected": false, "unique": false, "persistent": true, "refreshOn": "", "dataGridLabel": false, "dbIndex": false, "calculateServer": false, "widget": { "type": "calendar", "displayInTimezone": "viewer", "locale": "en", "useLocaleSettings": false, "allowInput": true, "mode": "single", "enableTime": true, "noCalendar": false, "format": "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a", "hourIncrement": 1, "minuteIncrement": 1, "time_24hr": false, "minDate": null, "disabledDates": "", "disableWeekends": false, "disableWeekdays": false, "disableFunction": "", "maxDate": null }, "overlay": { "style": "", "left": "", "top": "", "width": "", "height": "" }, "encrypted": false, "showCharCount": false, "showWordCount": false, "allowMultipleMasks": false, "addons": [], "datepickerMode": "day", "skipRemoveConfirm": true }, { "type": "button", "label": "Submit", "key": "submit", "size": "md", "block": false, "action": "submit", "disableOnInvalid": false, "theme": "primary", "input": true, "placeholder": "", "prefix": "", "customClass": "", "suffix": "", "multiple": false, "defaultValue": null, "protected": false, "unique": false, "persistent": false, "hidden": false, "clearOnHide": true, "refreshOn": "", "redrawOn": "", "tableView": false, "modalEdit": false, "dataGridLabel": true, "labelPosition": "top", "description": "", "errorLabel": "", "tooltip": "", "hideLabel": false, "tabindex": "", "disabled": false, "autofocus": false, "dbIndex": false, "customDefaultValue": "", "calculateValue": "", "calculateServer": false, "widget": { "type": "input" }, "attributes": {}, "validateOn": "change", "validate": { "required": false, "custom": "", "customPrivate": false, "strictDateValidation": false, "multiple": false, "unique": false }, "conditional": { "show": null, "when": null, "eq": "" }, "overlay": { "style": "", "left": "", "top": "", "width": "", "height": "" }, "allowCalculateOverride": false, "encrypted": false, "showCharCount": false, "showWordCount": false, "properties": {}, "allowMultipleMasks": false, "addons": [], "leftIcon": "", "rightIcon": "", "skipRemoveConfirm": true } ] } }
Excel file with Date Field from Dataverse this is stored as for Example as
19/01/2024 17:00:00
Unclear if relevant but Custom column Type formatting as
This is then converted in the form as example:
In real form this is part of a datagrid
var excelTime = instance.root.getComponent("milestones").selectOptions[0].value["Finish"];
var intermediateTime = excelTime - 25569;
var finalTime = intermediateTime * 86400;
var output = moment.unix(finalTime);
value = output;
Source Code below{
"title": "Date Fail",
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"calculateValue": "var excelTime = instance.root.getComponent(\"milestones\").selectOptions[0].value[\"Finish\"];\r\nvar intermediateTime = excelTime - 25569;\r\nvar finalTime = intermediateTime * 86400;\r\nvar output = moment.unix(finalTime);\r\nvalue = output;",
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"Owner (Lookup)": "Daniel Kendall",
"Project (Lookup)": "Project Template Light Example",
"Project Bucket (Lookup)": "Not Started",
"Project Task Status": "Active",
"% Complete": 0.06,
"Critical": true,
"Display Sequence": 2,
"Due Date": 45310.7083333333,
"Duration": 35,
"Effort": 70,
"Effort Completed (Hours)": 8,
"Effort Remaining (Hours)": 62,
"Finish": 45310.7083333333,
"Is Milestone": false,
"Manually Scheduled": false,
"Notes": "",
"Notes - Plain text": "",
"Outline Level": 1,
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"Priority": 5,
"Project for the web CreatedBy (Lookup)": "Daniel Kendall",
"Project for the web ModifiedBy (Lookup)": "Nicol Cutts",
"Project Sprint (Lookup)": "",
"Resourcing unit (Deprecated in v3.0) (Lookup)": "",
"Role (Deprecated in v3.0) (Lookup)": "",
"Start": 45264.375,
"Start Date": 45264.375,
"Summary Task": true,
"Created By (Lookup)": "Microsoft Project",
"Created By (Delegate) (Lookup)": "",
"Created On": 45240.5483564815,
"Import Sequence Number": "",
"Modified By (Lookup)": "Microsoft Project",
"Modified By (Delegate) (Lookup)": "",
"Modified On": 45244.3578819444,
"Owning Business Unit (Lookup)": "stoneseedsandbox",
"Owning Team (Lookup)": "",
"Record Created On": "",
"Status Reason": "Active",
"Time Zone Rule Version Number": 4,
"Traversed Path": "",
"UTC Conversion Time Zone Code": "",
"Version Number": 2411011,
"Project task ID": "8c823e62-ca7f-ee11-8171-000d3a467ca0",
"Process Id": "",
"Created By": "643dcc5e-5f7d-ee11-8179-000d3aa9254e",
"Created By (Delegate)": "",
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"Project for the web ModifiedBy": "cb82193b-647d-ee11-8179-0022488ab225",
"Project Sprint": "",
"Resourcing unit (Deprecated in v3.0)": "",
"Role (Deprecated in v3.0)": "",
"Owning User": "",
"Owning User2": "6e61cbe6-627d-ee11-8179-000d3aa9254e",
"_stageid_value": "",
"_stageid_value3": "",
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