Form only with date field and default moment()
Populates successfully, but gives the error that it is invalid.{ "title": "Blank", "icon": "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" color=\"#9f6b53\" stroke=\"#9f6b53\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" fill=\"transparent\">\n <path stroke=\"none\" d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"></path><path d=\"M9 5h-2a2 2 0 0 0 -2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h10a2 2 0 0 0 2 -2v-12a2 2 0 0 0 -2 -2h-2\"></path><path d=\"M9 3m0 2a2 2 0 0 1 2 -2h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v0a2 2 0 0 1 -2 2h-2a2 2 0 0 1 -2 -2z\"></path><path d=\"M9 14h.01\"></path><path d=\"M9 17h.01\"></path><path d=\"M12 16l1 1l3 -3\"></path>\n</svg>", "schema": { "display": "form", "components": [ { "label": "Date / Time", "labelPosition": "top", "displayInTimezone": "viewer", "useLocaleSettings": false, "allowInput": true, "format": "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a", "placeholder": "", "description": "", "tooltip": "", "customClass": "", "customClassAdvanced": "", "tabindex": "", "hidden": false, "hiddenInPdf": false, "hideLabel": false, "autofocus": false, "disabled": false, "tableView": false, "modalEdit": false, "shortcutButtons": [], "enableDate": true, "datePicker": { "disable": "", "disableFunction": "", "disableWeekends": false, "disableWeekdays": false, "minDate": null, "maxDate": null, "showWeeks": true, "startingDay": 0, "initDate": "", "minMode": "day", "maxMode": "year", "yearRows": 4, "yearColumns": 5 }, "enableTime": true, "timePicker": { "showMeridian": true, "hourStep": 1, "minuteStep": 1, "readonlyInput": false, "mousewheel": true, "arrowkeys": true }, "multiple": false, "defaultValue": "", "defaultDate": "", "customOptions": {}, "redrawOn": "", "clearOnHide": true, "customDefaultValue": "", "calculateValue": "value = moment()", "allowCalculateOverride": false, "validateOn": "change", "validate": { "required": false, "customMessage": "", "custom": "", "customPrivate": false, "strictDateValidation": false, "multiple": false, "unique": false }, "enableMinDateInput": false, "enableMaxDateInput": false, "errorLabel": "", "errors": "", "key": "dateTime", "tags": [], "properties": {}, "conditional": { "show": null, "when": null, "eq": "" }, "customConditional": "", "logic": [], "onChange": "", "attributes": {}, "creatorPermissions": "", "permissions": [ { "user": {}, "permissionLevel": "" } ], "type": "datetime", "timezone": "", "input": true, "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "protected": false, "unique": false, "persistent": true, "refreshOn": "", "dataGridLabel": false, "dbIndex": false, "calculateServer": false, "widget": { "type": "calendar", "displayInTimezone": "viewer", "locale": "en", "useLocaleSettings": false, "allowInput": true, "mode": "single", "enableTime": true, "noCalendar": false, "format": "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a", "hourIncrement": 1, "minuteIncrement": 1, "time_24hr": false, "minDate": null, "disabledDates": "", "disableWeekends": false, "disableWeekdays": false, "disableFunction": "", "maxDate": null }, "overlay": { "style": "", "left": "", "top": "", "width": "", "height": "" }, "encrypted": false, "showCharCount": false, "showWordCount": false, "allowMultipleMasks": false, "addons": [], "datepickerMode": "day", "skipRemoveConfirm": true }, { "type": "button", "label": "Submit", "key": "submit", "size": "md", "block": false, "action": "submit", "disableOnInvalid": false, "theme": "primary", "input": true, "placeholder": "", "prefix": "", "customClass": "", "suffix": "", "multiple": false, "defaultValue": null, "protected": false, "unique": false, "persistent": false, "hidden": false, "clearOnHide": true, "refreshOn": "", "redrawOn": "", "tableView": false, "modalEdit": false, "dataGridLabel": true, "labelPosition": "top", "description": "", "errorLabel": "", "tooltip": "", "hideLabel": false, "tabindex": "", "disabled": false, "autofocus": false, "dbIndex": false, "customDefaultValue": "", "calculateValue": "", "calculateServer": false, "widget": { "type": "input" }, "attributes": {}, "validateOn": "change", "validate": { "required": false, "custom": "", "customPrivate": false, "strictDateValidation": false, "multiple": false, "unique": false }, "conditional": { "show": null, "when": null, "eq": "" }, "overlay": { "style": "", "left": "", "top": "", "width": "", "height": "" }, "allowCalculateOverride": false, "encrypted": false, "showCharCount": false, "showWordCount": false, "properties": {}, "allowMultipleMasks": false, "addons": [], "leftIcon": "", "rightIcon": "", "skipRemoveConfirm": true } ] } }
Hi Daniel ๐
The moment()
function actually returns a moment object (not a string representing the date). Unfortunately, a few months ago, there was an update to Team Forms which dropped support for setting the value of a date/time directly in JavaScript as a moment object (e.g. value = moment()
). Instead, you should set the value using an ISO string format. The code below should work.
value = moment().toISOString()
You can still use a moment object in the default value, however everything in JavaScript will need to use an ISO string instead on the moment object.
Hi Daniel ๐
The moment()
function actually returns a moment object (not a string representing the date). Unfortunately, a few months ago, there was an update to Team Forms which dropped support for setting the value of a date/time directly in JavaScript as a moment object (e.g. value = moment()
). Instead, you should set the value using an ISO string format. The code below should work.
value = moment().toISOString()
You can still use a moment object in the default value, however everything in JavaScript will need to use an ISO string instead on the moment object.
Thank you Anthony that worked perfectly.
In the future is there a plan for a way I can be alerted to future breaking changes?
Team Forms generally trys to always be backwards compatible (with this as a rare case). However, going forwards any major or breaking changes will be announced in the news section of this community site.
As a related note, once browsers/JavaScript standard start supporting the Temporal functions this will likely be the recommended/supported method for handling dates within Team Forms.