Is it possible to change Submission number generation to occur after the form has been submitted. Our current problem is the Submission Numbers are all over the place, we're guessing this is because staff are opening forms but not submitting.
This is creating issues from an auditing and logging point of view
When we submit multi photo uploads within a data grid it doesn't seem to create a new page per photo, it just cuts them off. can this be fixed?
I'm trying to hide the Border around the input on the PDF. Is there a way to achieve this with Custom CSS?
This is Based on a Quoting System we would like to implement. Is it possible to enable Editing a content component during submission of a form similar to a text area? I would use a Text Area but I need it to remain as a certain Format.
I'm currently using Dynamic Fields to updated certain parts of the Content Component but sometimes we require Additional Information and changes to the Content Component per Quote
Hey, Is it possible to Use content component Image to take up the entire PDF Page? I want to use it as a sort of Cover Page.
It is also possible to target only certain pages on the PDF template editor?
Having the ability to trigger a flow based on the categories of the Form would be a good feature, Would help with bulk organization of forms. See below as an example
When using keyboard on forms. It often displays over the cell you are inputting data into, especially components towards the bottom of sheet. Is there a way around this?. I have made buttons to automatically enter some data in these cases but its frustrating when you cant see what you are typing.
I need a Date component to translate to Excel through power automate. The Date component automatically picks up the date with moment() and the power automate is creating a new row in a table when form is submitted but the flow isn't working because of the format.
I want to create a Feedback that displays only on the PDF generated after submitting. I have The condition set to display when a question (select box) is answer wrong, this works. I also have it set to Hidden but not Not Hidden in PDF. When i try previewing the form the feedback is still showing in the live form when the condition is met
I would like the ability to upload an existing PDF form and add interactive components over it for external users to fill out. I have many older business documents and spreadsheets that could be adapted this way. The biggest issue we face with external users filling out our business forms is that they often leave out required sections. This program would help address that problem by ensuring all necessary fields are completed.
In this case Values 'a' and 'b' are the correct answer, which i would want to give a score of '1' for each of them.
I have tried the scripts below without any success
value =
(['a'].includes(data.q1) ? 1 : 0) +
(['b'].includes(data.q1) ? 1 : 0);
value =
(data.q1 === 'a' ? 1 : 0 )
+ (data.q1 === 'b' ? 1 : 0 );