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Who syncs sharepoint datasources?

Updated 3 months ago

My datasource has a complex set of permission levels.

So some people can see data that others cannot.

However, there may be cases where a regular user without many permissions updates the datasource.

This could result in data that should be there, but is not in the datasource.

To prevent this, I think only the team manager should update the datasource.

How does datasource sync work in practice?

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Hi Muffins,

Team Forms uses a delegated permissions model. This means that the data-sources are access and synced locally as the logged in user. Unfortunately, this means that each user will need access to the underlying list/file in order for the data-source drop-down to populate for them. Having a "team manager" update the data-source will have no effect on whether the data appears for a user.

Practically the sync refers to each user syncing a local copy of SharePoint list / file to their teams client/browser.

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Hi Muffins,

Team Forms uses a delegated permissions model. This means that the data-sources are access and synced locally as the logged in user. Unfortunately, this means that each user will need access to the underlying list/file in order for the data-source drop-down to populate for them. Having a "team manager" update the data-source will have no effect on whether the data appears for a user.

Practically the sync refers to each user syncing a local copy of SharePoint list / file to their teams client/browser.