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So, we have already double tripple checked the particular column in our SharePoint Data Source and there is no typo or anything. We even removed it, repasted it, completely certain. And Remove Duplicates is turned on, but in the drop down there is still one duplicate.

How to fix this problem?

Best, Damon


Hi everybody,

I would like to limit the address component to 2 or 3 cities in Belgium.

Is it possible?

Thank you in advance.


1 comment

When creating an email template using data from the form, I use the / to get a list of my fields which shows me the correct field names as used in the Label setting (for the Select Box component.)

I have 5 fields that use a numeric value to populate the email with a qty requested for each option. When I type the / I get the correct field names, I select the one I want and then the email designer will show something totally different as a field name (in green). This has now given me three duplicate field names (out of 5), but when I submit the form the workflow runs, sends me an email and lo and behold the values are correct.

Example below:

The values for testing are the values 1 through 5 top to bottom. The fields are NOT supposed to be duplicated.

When the email arrives this is what I get:

Based on the design I should have got 1, 2, 2, 1, 1

Any idea why this is doing it?



I created the following dual actions on the button, with the 'show validations' option turned on.

However, if the validation fails, the other actions are still executed on click except for Submit.

I don't want to use the 'Disable on invalid forms' option because it doesn't show me the invalid components.

How do I make sure that all actions are only executed if the validation succeeds?


I'm trying to make a timesheet with a time in and a time out. I have 2 date/time fields, one that collects the time when a form is started, and the other collects the time when the form is submitted.

I want the minutes value for both fields to be limited to a multiple of 15. (EX. it will always be 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, 8:45, or 9:00)

  • I'm encountering a problem where the date/time that's collected isn't a multiple of 15, but it still increments by 15. (EX. It will start on 16 then it will increment up to 31)

  • I also have a text field to calculates the difference between those times using a method learned here which I'm trying not to break: include hours and minutes when calculating difference b... (

1 comment

Calculate the difference between two date/time fields | Team Forms Docs

I'm using this method with date input disabled but the value doesn't show the minutes, only the hours

I sent a message to support and got this response:

"To achieve this you will need to use JavaScript which can get a little complex. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide assistance with writing your JavaScript expressions in this chat, however we have recently launched our community forum where you may be able to post your question."

Unfortunately I don't know JavaScript, so I'm looking for either of two things. 1, a reliable source of JavaScript syntax or 2, help.

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last week

Date Range

Hi, I would like to set a week range that includes the current actual date within that period in the date/time component for my staff to choose. How do I actually enable this function? With JavaScript or is there any other way?

1 comment

Hi guys,

When I go to View Submissions, I only want to see certain columns. I've filtered out what I don't need in Choose Columns, however, when I exit this and then go back in, the default of all columns is showing again.

I've checked in Builder that Table View is turned off for certain components. Is this a bug? Or am I not doing something right?

1 comment

In this use case, there is a start date, end date, and a goaled number value (must be greater than 0). if the goal value (quotaGoal) is left blank, no validation is needed. if the goal is >0, then the start date (startQuota) must be set to the 1st of the month selected by the user and the end date (endQuota) must be set to the last day of the month.

I have come up with the below validation statements to handle the 1st/last day of the month, but am stuck on how to connect them with value the goaled number field.

Start Date must be 1st of month

const date = moment(data.startQuota);
const isFirstDayOfMonth = date.isSame(date.clone().startOf('month'), 'day');
valid = isFirstDayOfMonth

End Date must be last date of month

const date = moment(data.endQuota);
const isLastDayOfMonth = date.isSame(date.clone().endOf('month'), 'day');
valid = isLastDayOfMonth

Thanks for any help!


I added a datasource to Team forms and used the SharePoint datasource as one of the fields. I am able to search the dropdown of an item. However a team member sometimes searches for an item and would not find it. I have to manually resyn the datasource in his settings to have the records update. What might be the issue that cause it? Because i always have an updated record in my setting without the need to manually resyn while he does not.

1 comment

We created a form where the File Upload component was:

  • Nested in a data grid

  • Only displays if a certain radio button (unsatisfactory) is selected

It used to be that when uploading an image and submitting the form, the image would display in the PDF attached to submission.

Recently, it's stopped doing that now.


I want to assign forms within the Team Forms to different sub-groups. I have restricted access to the forms via the config folder by assigning different SharePoint groups for each form. However, i am unable to see where to check the changes in the Team Forms app in Microsoft Teams.

Is there a way to see the users that have access to the different forms in the Team Forms app in Microsoft Teams?

1 comment

What would the JavaScript code look like to prevent users from uploading an attachment that contains a special character like "'" or "&" or "%"? Where would it be added in the file object?


My datasource has a complex set of permission levels.

So some people can see data that others cannot.

However, there may be cases where a regular user without many permissions updates the datasource.

This could result in data that should be there, but is not in the datasource.

To prevent this, I think only the team manager should update the datasource.

How does datasource sync work in practice?

1 comment

I tried to modify the code listed as an example in the datasource settings to put a variable at d[0] to make it dynamic, but it didn't work.

When I checked, it returns up to index 49, but not from index 50 onwards.

The end goal is to get the lookup column id from sharepoint and dynamically reflect it in the child dropdown.

Is it possible to create a code that returns the index or a nearby range that I want?


how can i hide the component in pdf if the value/input is empty

1 comment


I am trying to find where i can make any user view any form submitted? At the moment users can only see forms submitted by themself


When using keyboard on forms. It often displays over the cell you are inputting data into, especially components towards the bottom of sheet. Is there a way around this?. I have made buttons to automatically enter some data in these cases but its frustrating when you cant see what you are typing.

1 comment
last month

Date Format for Excel

I need a Date component to translate to Excel through power automate. The Date component automatically picks up the date with moment() and the power automate is creating a new row in a table when form is submitted but the flow isn't working because of the format.

1 comment

Hi there,

I’m working on a POC using team Forms.

I try to get a single value of a sharepoint list by addind a filter options on a « sharepoint Data Component » :


My items list is filtered and I’m quite happy. But in fact, I want to select the first value of the list as a default value…


I try to modify the « calculated value »  as below :


So my question : How can I calculate in a  TEXT FIELD or select the first item of a filtered sharepoint data component ?


Thank you for support !

2 months ago

Override Dynamically

I asked this question before: When I choose a Value from a drop-down list in Team Forms can that value populate the value its connected with dynamically example I choose business name and it populate the address. the answer i got from help and i got from Anthony help me figure this out. Now i have a question as to if it is possible to somehow manually input values in the same field.

1 comment

I want to create a Feedback that displays only on the PDF generated after submitting. I have The condition set to display when a question (select box) is answer wrong, this works. I also have it set to Hidden but not Not Hidden in PDF. When i try previewing the form the feedback is still showing in the live form when the condition is met



Is there a way to get the returned form to pull from some of the completed fields on the form and adjust the title? I would like to use this app for orders and would need the returned forms not to have the same title each time.

For example,

If the "customer" and "salesperson" fields were completed, the returned form would have the title:

"Date Submitted, Salesperson, Customer"

2 months ago


How can do you add a map for an address in a form also is it possible to concatenate Addresses. ( I have a table that has Address, City, State and Zip Code in separate columns i would like to be put in a text filed.

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